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Plagiarism (literary, musical)

Plagio Literario o musical


Plagiarism is using the work, ideas, or words of another person as if they were their own, without crediting explicitly where it comes from the information.

For this reason, plagiarism is a breach of copyright in a work of any type, which is produced by the copy of the same (partial or total, text or argument), without the authorization of the person who created it or who owns or that owns the rights to that work, and its presentation as original artwork, or impersonating the real author.

MGA appraisals can help you in your claim of the moral and economic rights, as well as in their claim to their economic interests. If you find yourself in a usurpation of your rights as an author, or if on the other hand, you are located in the arduous task of proving your innocence. With our team can provide the expert evidence that you need.


In the field of musical plagiarism we face in addition to everything mentioned above before an added problem: creativity or musical plagiarism.

Nowadays we have at our disposal millions of songs, which facilitates the copy elements in areas outside, unwittingly or voluntary. Intellectual property rules do not protect styles or rhythms; here it is difficult to demonstrate creativity or musical plagiarism.

Always abounded the similarities between songs even from different areas and genres. MGA appraisals can help you in your claim of the moral and economic rights, as well as in their claim to their economic interests. If you find yourself in a usurpation of their rights as an author, or if on the other hand, if you are located in the arduous task of proving your innocence. With our team can provide the expert evidence that you need.
